Gotovsky A., Gutsol P. Workplaces effectiveness in the sale of products in the domestic and selected foreign markets
Maibarada T., Panich K. Wage negotiations: gender differences and ways to overcome them
Goloventchik G. Digital ecosystems: essence, classification, structure
Baynev V., Zianchuk M. Analysis of technological security based on the methodology of inter-industry balance
Zoryna T., Yurkevich O. Tariff policy in the electric power industry of the republic of belarus: status and directions for improvement
Loukianova I. Tax aspects of commercialization of intellectual property objects in the concept of transfer pricing
Filiptsou A. Public goods: theoretical framework and financing in the republic of belarus
Stanovskaya A. Methodological support for assessing the development of a circular economy at the level of a business entity
Ozhigina V. Meso-level subsystems of international economic integration
Zhang Y.T. The impact of trade liberalisation on health capital: a review
Materials published in 2024